Pasadena Kennel Club Dog Show 6/3 & 6/4
Sorry--again no pictures. I've been really bad about taking them, and even worse at uploading them to my computer!! After the drive up to the Pasadena area Friday night, we had an 8:45 ring time. Good thing, too--it was very warm and was going to be over 100 degrees on Saturday!! We showed and got our tails out of there! Payson did pretty well in the ring. It's apparent, however, that my lack of working with him is not a good thing. I will have to work him daily up unitl our next show (Bahia Sur in San Diego) on June 17 & 18. I will keep all you SD people posted as to ring times once I receive them. Back to Saturday--Payson got 1st place in Puppy Class (he was the only one as usual) and then got beaten, so we got to leave. We spent a lovely day together driving around Pasadena and going to a nice park in Arcadia right by where I was staying. My room overlooked the Santa Anita Race Track. Too bad it was off season--I could have seen some races! Sunday we had another 8:45 ring time, so packed up again and headed over to the show place. This time he fared better. He got first in puppy class, then advanced into the next category and beat another dog--so he received a point and a "Winner's Dog" ribbon. He went into Best of Breed category against a little bitch (Dusty) who won, so he got "Best Opposite Sex." Had he won Best of Breed, we would have stayed for group competition, and that would have proven to be a VERY long, hot day, so I'm kind of thankful that Dusty beat him. Plus, now Dusty got a point as well. That's fine with me. Even if Dusty's owner didn't stay for group, being Payson's first time making it to group--I would have stayed just to lose anyway, but would have had the experience of doing it. After Payson and I got home on Sunday, I loaded up all 3 boys for another trip to the dog park. They have really been enjoying that. Payson has 4 points total now, so he needs to get 2 major competitions under his belt before he can finish out as a champion. Most of the shows coming up this summer are far away, so I will keep everyone posted as to when our next one is (after Bahia Sur)--it may be several weeks/months.