Payson's Challenges

Keeping family and interested parties up to date on the show career of Sir Payson Underfoot, my Toy Fox Terrier.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Payson's Second Show-First Day

After last week's debacle, I took Payson to PestMart, Petco, the Harley store...anywhere I could get strangers to put their hands on him. I think it may have paid off. We drove up to Chino on Friday evening for a bright and early show time on Saturday 4/29. We blew off steam for about an hour and when the moment of truth came, Kasey said he was "perfect...that he didn't move a muscle." Thank goodness! I don't have to strangle my dog! He took "winners reserve"--he was beaten by another dog that went on to best of breed competition. But he got a "legitimate" ribbon this week and he stood up for the judge and didn't turn into the mutant furry contortionist I saw last weekend. Baby steps. There's still work to do, but at least we get to keep trying. Our show time on Sunday is at about 11:30, so will post those results soon.


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