Payson's Challenges

Keeping family and interested parties up to date on the show career of Sir Payson Underfoot, my Toy Fox Terrier.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Payson's Second Show--Second Day

We arrived at the show ground very early to allow Payson plenty of time to blow off steam. We soon discovered, however, that our ring and ring time were changed. We were supposed to be in Ring #8 at 11:30, but were diverted to Ring #12 at approximately 2:00. Our judge for #8 had apparently taken ill so they had to shuffle us around. Kasey was asked yesterday by another dog owner if she would show his dog (that had tried to bite the judge on Saturday) and she agreed to work with her. I said I could try to show Payson myself, so that's what we did. When I saw the judge, I almost panicked. He was a very tall and large man, and he was wearing a baseball cap. I thought if there's ever a time Payson would flip out, this would be it. I took him into the ring and did our stuff--he was a little nervous on the table, but did very well. I have to credit the judge as well--he was very nice and gentle with Payson. We took first in his class (since he was the only one) but came in last of the three dogs, so he did not get to go in for Best of Breed. The good thing is--now I know it can be done, and I know I can do doesn't have to be Kasey or someone with a stronger hand to keep him in check. I'll be completely on my own next weekend. It was good for me to know that he will respond to me. There was also a very nice lady there named Gail. She was SO ecstatic for me that Payson didn't come apart on the table. She is new to showing herself, and had gone to last weekend's show just to observe and this weekend was her fisrt show. Her little bitch did very well. She confessed that she saw Payson last weekend (both days) and said that he had come a long way. She said it broke her heart to see how terrified he looked last weekend, but that she was so excited for our success this weekend. I thought that was very nice. I also have come to realize after talking to a lot of people that what Payson did last weekend was not the worst that could have happened. In fact, today the little bitch that Kasey showed for that man panicked in the ring, wiggled right out of her lead and took off. She was recovered a couple of minutes later, but I think I would have DIED right there if that had happened on my first outing with Payson. Everything turned out all right, and that little girl just needs some work. All our work last week must have paid off somewhat, and I know I can't back off on that. I will be taking Payson out at least a few times this week to help keep him in line. I am so relieved that this dog might be just fine after all--even with a dork like me handling him! The good thing is that he is worn out...he's been sleeping pretty much since we got home!


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